Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I've tried a couple of times to post these pictures, but the computer I was using wouldn't let me.  These are some pictures of Jeremy and Bridger when they went fishing this summer.  We had fun and Bridger even caught three.  Not bad for your first time shore fishing!

Friday, August 20, 2010

What's That Scratching Noise?

Oh my heck! What an exciting night last night!...Jeremy and I were laying in bed last night still trying to fall asleep at about 12:30 a.m. when we heard a scratching noise.  At first we thought it might be a bird outside on the gutter, but it was 12:30 a.m. with no birds in sight.  Jeremy got out of bed and went into the extra bedroom to see if the scratching was coming from in there.  While he was checking a HUGE RAT that was brown and white crawled out from under my bed!!! (Thankfully I was sitting on top of the bed.)  I let out a scream and the rat dashed back under the bed and Jeremy ran into the bedroom.  He asked why I was screaming and I told him that I saw a rat.  He just looked at me like I was joking, but then I told him it was brown and white.  We both just looked at each other kind of stunned for a few minutes and then Jeremy decided that if he was going to fight a giant rat he better put some clothes on rather than chasing it in his underwear. (I sleep in pajamas. Don't worry I have some sort of clothing on.)

Since we didn't have any traps, Jeremy decided to make a "maze" to front door. He closed all the doors in the hall and put a board up to close the way into the living room.  Next he came in with the broom and started removing stuff from under the bed to scare the rat out. (Keep in mind that I am still standing in the middle of the bed having an anxiety attack!) Jeremy starts poking the broom under the bed and out runs the rat.  Jeremy didn't see it until he came over by the door.  He starts to say that it is a hamster (ya right) until he gets a better look at it at then exclaims that it is a RAT!

We chased the rat out of the house and there is Jeremy and me outside at 12:45 a.m.  Jeremy has the flashlight and the broom looking for the rat outside and I ran into the garage to get the shovel.  I take the flashlight and Jeremy takes the shovel and then tries to hit it with the shovel. The clinging and clanging on the sidewalk was really loud and I'm surprised we didn't wake the neighborhood up!  If you could have just seen us, it was hilarious!  Jeremy's running around with a shovel, and I'm following him with the flashlight and a broom!  Jeremy whacked the rat a couple of times, but didn't kill it.  We lost it when it ran around the house and into the field next to us.

As we were laying back in bed after our rat chasing escapade, we couldn't stop laughing at our experience!  I swear that would only happen to us!  We finally fell asleep around 2:00 in the morning after laughing our guts out!  The amazing part was that Bridger slept through the whole thing!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fishing Fun

Today the deJong family went fishing!  We went to Weston Reservoir in Weston Canyon.  We got there around 9:00 this morning and stayed until about 1:00 this afternoon.  Bridger and Jeremy had a great time casting & reeling.  Bridger caught 3 fish and one of them was actually by himself.  The other 2 he reeled in on Jeremy's fishing pole.  He was so excited!  It was so much fun to see him get so excited about something so small!  Jeremy caught about 15 fish. Most of them were small mouth bass with a couple of perch and 1 rainbow trout.

I don't have a license so I got to sit around and read my book. And I got a sunburn, of course.  Between the swimming and the fishing, my arms look like Neapolitan ice cream!  It is really quite hilarious and Jeremy can't stop laughing at me.

The computer I'm using won't let me post pictures right now so I will have to later!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bridger's Airplane

Bridger got a foam airplane from Allen Drug yesterday.  He played with it all afternoon in my mom's house because it was too windy outside.  The inevitable happened and the tail broke off.  You would have thought he broke his arm the way he screamed bloody murder!  But it was Daddy to the rescue and he fixed it with some duct tape.  After all of the screaming and crying he finally settled down is is playing with it again today.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cavity Filled!

Bridger did so awesome at the dentist yesterday!  They gave him the gas and novacane.  They only had to drill a little and then they put the filling in.  He got to watch cartoons while everything was going on.  He got to pick another treat for being so good, so he got another glow-in-the-dark bouncy ball.  He did so great.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fun Outside

It has been a beautiful weekend so far!  We have been outside and it has been great.  I mowed the lawn on Friday and Jeremy was out in the garage today making new cupboard doors for a lady in our ward.  Bridger had fun playing with one of his little friends in the neighborhood.  They walk between her house and our house and they have fun together.  I am so glad the weather has decided to be nice!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bridger & The Dentist

I had to take Bridger to the dentist today.  He did a really good job getting his teeth cleaned.  Last time we went Bridger had to get a cavity and I guess it fell out, so we have to go back on Monday.  He said he was fine with that.  I really like Dr. Sutton's office and he is a great dentist.

Friday, April 9, 2010

I have decided to try out a second post to see if I know what I'm doing.
This is a picture of me and Jeremy this past Holloween. I dressed up like a duck hunter and Jeremy was the duck! We went to a party at one of our friends house.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Brand New Blogger!

This is a new adventure! I was asked to teach a little class for Relief Society on starting a blog, so I thought I would give it a try. I don't have access to any pictures to upload right now, but I will post some soon.